An alarming rise in the trafficking of women in China has caused an imbalance in the male-female ratio. According to the research being carried out by the Universidad Carlos III of Madrid, currently in China, for every 120 boys born, there are 100 girls born.
The researchers estimate that approximately 30 million males are having difficulty finding a mate in China as a result of the shortage of female adults.
Apart from this gender disproportion at the time of birth, the researchers claim that there are other reasons as well, such as the migration of females from the poorest rural zones to other richer areas.
"The trafficking of women has been practically non-existent in China since 1949, but we have observed that this crime has been on the rise since 1980", adds Professor S nchez Barricarte, of UC3M's Political Science and Sociology Department.
Another related line of research that these experts are working on analyzes the trafficking of women for the purpose of marriage that comes from neighboring countries (North Korea, Viet Nam and Myanmar) to this republic.
The traffic of foreign women who arrive as brides in this most populated country in the world can also be attributed to this imbalance between the sexes.
The next step that they propose is to carry out polls and interviews to investigate the problem of the trafficking of women in greater depth.