Cheryl Cole has lost half a stone as she battles malaria, it has emerged.

Cole's condition has become so fragile that doctors have banned her from dancing.
"Cheryl is far too thin. She was 71/2st to 8st before but she doesn't have any meat on her now. Her hipbones literally stick out. She won't be dancing for some time. Her routines were exhausting," News Of World quoted a source as saying.
The skeletal 5ft 3in star has been put on a strict weight-gain programme as she's recovering.
Her Body Mass Index has dropped from a healthy 19.8 to an underweight 17.4 - some model agencies insist models have a minimum of 18.5.
Cheryl, 27, is now recovering at her 6-million-pound Surrey mansion with the help of mum Joan Callaghan and pal Derek.