
Bring the holidays to you When You’re Hospitalized

by Bidita Debnath on Dec 24 2016 12:01 AM

When a patient is hospitalized, normal traditions are stripped away and the inability to celebrate the season can bring on feelings of sadness.

Bring the holidays to you When You’re Hospitalized
The holidays are a busy time of year spent celebrating with family and friends, decorating the home and participating in religious or spiritual traditions.
But when a patient is hospitalized, normal traditions are stripped away and the inability to celebrate the season can bring on feelings of sadness.

“It’s not uncommon for people to have the blues around the holiday season and being in the hospital can really intensify those feelings,” says Rev. Karen Schnell, director of the UCLA Health Spiritual Care department.

Schnell suggests that patients who are feeling the doldrums express this to a member of their healthcare team, such as a doctor, nurse, social worker or chaplain.

“They care and they will listen to how you are feeling,” says Schnell. Here are some ideas to help celebrate the season while hospitalized:

Bring the holidays to you. Place meaningful objects in your room such as an electric menorah, nativity scene or holiday decorations. Celebrate traditions such as gift-giving with family and friends who can visit you.

Attend hospital services. Many hospitals hold holiday services for patients and family members. If you’re unable to attend, ask for a visit from your personal religious leader or a hospital chaplain who can support you in your traditions and practices.

Send a card, letter, email or text to someone you miss. Let them know you are thinking of them and wishing them well. This can enhance your sense of connection with those you love. And, doing something for someone else can help you feel better emotionally and spiritually.

Receive, instead of give. If you are usually a go-getter during the holiday season, give yourself permission to receive this year. Let go of expecting yourself to do everything you usually do during the holidays. After all, you’re in the hospital!

And if you’re still feeling blue? “You’re not alone,” adds Schnell. “It’s perfectly okay to recognize that it is not a happy time for you.”












