
Loving-kindness Meditation can Make You Happier

by Iswarya on Sep 25 2020 10:03 AM

Loving-kindness Meditation can Make You Happier
Effect of loving-kindness meditation (LKM) and compassion meditation (CM) was compared by a new study. Loving-kindness meditation is more effective in increasing happiness. In contrast with previous studies, compassion meditation also did not result in a growth of negative emotions. The findings of the study are published in the journal Mindfulness.
Meditation, which has become a routine for many people, is used to decrease stress, restore energy, and find inspiration. Different types of meditation have different effects. Researchers are more interested in these hardly measurable but important differences in the impact that meditation practices have on people's emotional state.

There is a group of practices in Buddhism, known as the 'four immeasurable meditations.' It includes compassion meditation, appreciative joy meditation, loving-kindness meditation, and equanimity meditation. While they vary from each other and can be used independently, they aim to form positive messages to others and oneself.

Judging by their names, compassion meditation and loving-kindness meditation may seem similar, but they also have rooted theoretical differences. While loving-kindness meditation is about the meditator's motivation to see others be happy, CM aims to relieve the feeling of suffering.

The study experimented with the outcomes of the emotions of the two practices using volunteers to practice one of the meditations. The study found that participants who practiced LKM noticed a significant boost in happiness, love, and care for other people.

The study's conclusions gave the researchers to understand strongly about how various meditation could impact their emotional state. Such studies serve to improve knowledge on the use of specific meditation approaches.

