A thousand shops that used legal loopholes to sell designer drugs have been closed, Polish authorities said

In a nationwide operation over recent days, police and health inspectors placed seals on the doors of shops selling laboratory-created drugs, which imitate the effect of banned narcotics but whose individual chemical components are not necessarily illegal.
Kwiatkowski said the government would bring in amendments to existing legislation in a drive to plug the loopholes.
They would include a three-year prison sentence for anyone who supplies minors with a substance posing a risk to their health or life, he said.
Such drugs have made growing headlines over recent weeks, with several users ending up in hospital. There have been a handful of fatalities believed to be linked to their consumption.
"This is going to be a long and difficult fight because our opponent is extremely well-prepared, rich and determined," said Kwiatkowski.
In addition, sales outlets have used ruses to duck inspections, such as labelling packets of drugs as collector's items or garden fertiliser, or marking them unfit for consumption.
The owner of a chain of shops selling the chemical highs told the Polska newspaper he planned to take legal action over the state shutdown.