Sujata Kelkar Shetty's 'Your Guide to a Long and Healthy Life' book explains that longevity along with wellness helps us achieve a higher equilibrium of physical, mental and emotional well-being to lead a long and fulfilled life.

‘To be fully present in our lives and appreciate it without suffering, we need to be proactive and do the groundwork to prevent illnesses before they occur.’

Finally, and critically, it explains the role stress plays in undermining the wellness equilibrium, and what we can do to heal from stress and prevent its accumulation from hampering our life's journey. 

While aging and death are inevitable consequences of being alive, there are behavioral practices that can slow down the aging process while keeping disease at bay.
The book acknowledges that to be fully present in our lives and enjoy it without suffering, we need to be proactive and do the groundwork to prevent illnesses before they occur. It shares evidence-based practices-Ayurveda, yoga and Western medicine-that promote longevity while keeping our bodies healthy and our minds alert.
Shetty did her post-doctoral training at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, US. While there, she also studied mechanisms of how mental stress negatively impacts physical health. She has researched and written on preventive health and wellness for the last decade and writes a regular preventive health column for Mint.
Her writing emphasizes a combination of cutting-edge medical research and ancient but empirically grounded Ayurvedic practices. She conducts well-being seminars for large corporates like PWC and HP and institutions like BIC, PIC, and IIM-Bangalore, among others.