The top ten breakthroughs including the Rosetta spacecraft and comet landing, in the field of Science have been listed down.

Tim Appenzeller, news editor of the journal Science, said that Philae's landing was an amazing feat and got the world's attention but the whole Rosetta mission was the breakthrough and it was giving scientists a ringside seat as a comet warms up, breathes, and evolves.
Rosetta and its lander module, known as Philae, made major headlines in November when Philae touched down on the surface of the speeding comet.
The Dinosaur-Bird Transition, Young Blood Fixes Old, Getting Robots to Cooperate were placed at second, third and fourth spot respectively.
Neuromorphic Chips, Beta Cells, Indonesian Cave Art, Manipulating Memory, CubeSats and Expanding the Genetic Alphabet were other top 10 breakthroughs in Science.
Robert Coontz, deputy news editor at Science, asserted that breakthroughs should do one of two things, either solve a problem that people have been wrestling with for a long time or open the door to a lot of new research.