
Mystery Behind 21-12-2012

by Dr. Enozia Vakil on Dec 20 2012 12:34 PM
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Though the world we live in today is erupting with new scientific inventions and technological discoveries everyday, we still cannot possibly choose to ignore the fact that our ancestors were much more learned and wise than what we are today. The wisdom our forefathers possessed was overwhelming: modern science is just beginning to comprehend it all. Every development of medicine and technology, every new innovation and aspect of science has its roots in our ancient books. From the superstring theory to the existence of human soul, everything has been recorded very wisely in a mask of beautiful words in the ancient books like The Zohar and The Bible.

The Mayans were among the most enlightened souls that existed on the earth years back. These Mayans had demonstrated excellent scientific, spiritual, mathematic, architectural and artistic achievements in their time, and had their own sacred and religious calendar.

Exceptionally great at concealment of the hidden meanings, they marked 21st December 2012 as the exact date of the end of the world; the so-called date when every living thing on the earth would perish.

In the media driven society we live in, we tend to accept everything as the media presents. All it required was a few movies and documentaries to be made depicting the possible scenario of the end of the world; or doomsday, as they call it, for the layman to get buried in fear and anxiety. Human nature has it-we always tend to fear the unknown.

We, however, have failed to grasp the real meaning of the ‘End of the world’. Knowing that our forefathers we experts in concealments, monks and priests around the world now agree that the ‘End of the world’ or apocalypse, is actually a metaphor for the end of the darkness. In fact, the word apocalypse literally means to uncover or to reveal that is hidden.

Ages ago, our ancestors possessed knowledge of extraordinary power. Power, which if fell into the wrong hands would bring upon terrible destruction to mankind. Eventually, this great wisdom of the ages was passed down to only a select few, and its theoretical proofs were modified and given to us, which we now own as our religious books. The proof that great minds like Galileo, Leonardo, Newton and others possessed this sacred knowledge was revealed by the shocking discovery of Isaac Newton’s hidden letters to his fellow mate Robert Boyle, asking him to keep ‘high-silence’ about their wisdom. ‘It cannot be communicated’, he had said, ‘without immense damage to the world’.

Every religion, every caste and community mentions the existence of a period of spiritual enlightenment that is yet to arrive; an era where mankind would be flooded with knowledge and wisdom, when all veils would be lifted.

Skeptics have tried, in every way possible to confirm the notion of the ‘end of the world’. From the earth getting plunged into a massive black hole, to geomagnetic reversal; from the collision with planet Nibiru, to alien invasions and tsunamis, there’s unimaginable chaos and fear among layman. Much to the surprise, every single theory of destruction put forth has been rejected; astronomers and scientists deny the possibility of occurrence of any physical damage to the world.

Cataclysmic events and destruction of the earth are still far away, and we shall live to see a whole new world every day, with yet new technological progress and innovations. Spiritual enlightenment, on the other hand, seems to be just around the corner.

How? We’ll have to wait and see. Until then, everything is not just as it seems to be. See you all on the 21st!

Reference: The lost symbol-Dan Brown

