How to Avoid Winter Weight Gain this Season

How to Avoid Winter Weight Gain this Season

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Weight gain in the winter can be caused by a variety of circumstances, but it can be avoided by making slight changes in your daily routine.

  • Winter weight gain has become a normal occurrence and is caused by various factors
  • Following simple approaches to modify your lifestyle can aid in preserving a healthy body throughout the year without drastically reducing calories or turning to bad habits //
  • Winter weight gain can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes
Every year, we wait for winter, the season for celebration, where we enjoy the freshly baked goods, hot chocolate, and candy canes, and mark the end of the year with that bottle of bubbly. We spend more time on the couch as outdoor temperatures plummet, and with this huge drop in the temperature comes flaky skin, dry hair, a runny nose, and even winter weight gain, which is a real thing.
According to a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine, there can be many reasons for a person’s weight fluctuations, including genetics, behavior, appetite signals, and your environment during the winter season (1 Trusted Source
A prospective study of holiday weight gain

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Gaining weight in the winter is a normal occurrence that's typically brought on by things like decreased activity levels and excess calorie consumption over the holidays. Small weight swings are not a cause for concern, but gaining a large amount of weight over the winter can have a severe influence on your health and quality of life.


How to Avoid Gaining Weight in the Winter?

The winter season is here, and so are some extra kilos. Here are some tips that can help you prevent unintentional weight gain during the winter season.

Keep an Eye on Your Portion:

Even if you are indulging in sugary, fat-rich holiday foods, make sure you are only consuming an adequate portion of it and not overeating it.

Find a Workout Companion:

Having a workout buddy helps you stay motivated about following a workout routine. You can try working out in the early evening if you can make it. The early evening may be more pleasant due to the sunny afternoons.

Add Salads to Each of Your Meals:

Make sure you are consuming healthy, fat-burning calories with each meal.

This Winter, Keep Yourself Warm:

Wear warm and body-covering gear in winter to avoid being cold.

Too Cold? Try Working out at Home:

Try working out at home if it's too cold outside.

Shed those Extra Pounds Sooner Rather than Later:

If you have already gained a few kilos or pounds during the winter season, aim to get back on track as soon as possible, focusing on slow and steady weight loss.

Plan Ahead for Warming Winter Dishes:

There are lots of warming dishes that are healthy or can easily be adapted. Soups are always a heart-healthy and warm dish that can be added to the diet.

Keep Moving:

If it is too cold to step outside, don’t let this stop you from being active as well as lowering your risk of heart and circulatory diseases. Exercise can lift your mood, helping you feel more positive about making changes to your diet. Getting out of the house can also be a useful distraction from snacking.


Why do we Gain Weight in the Winter?

If you’re still thinking that your winter festivities may have been to blame for extra, unwanted weight gain, then you should shift your focus to the other culprits that can lead to winter weight gain.


Here are some of the most Common Causes of Weight Gain in the Winter

The Cold Weather:

Because of the cold weather, many people decide not to continue their fitness routine. People struggle mostly because it is difficult for them to get outside, and they do not spend as much time outside as they should.

Sleeping More than Usual:

It's much easier to get out of bed and get things done in the summer when the sun is shining and the weather is pleasant. However, when the cold sets in and the sun begins to set at 4 o'clock, all you want to do is lie in bed. Consider investing in winter clothing that is appropriate and cozy to wear outside, so that you can get up with the sun and move around.

Effect on Mental Health:

The lack of sunlight throughout the winter may have a big influence on your emotions and health. During the winter, a small proportion of people suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of severe depression. Make use of the morning sun to compensate for the loss.

SAD (seasonal affective disorder) SAD is a type of depression that usually occurs during the winter months. The quality of life can be significantly impacted by it and can range from minor to severe. There is proof that the reduction in sunshine causes changes in hormones and neurotransmitters, which are chemical messengers in your body. Additionally, it's thought that variations in sleep patterns can increase appetite and cravings for foods high in sugar and carbohydrates during the winter, which can result in weight gain (2 Trusted Source
Seasonal Affective Disorder: An Overview of Assessment and Treatment Approaches

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Festive Season:

The winter season also happens to be the holiday season. All holidays—Diwali, Christmas, New Year's Eve, and others, cause overindulgence in sweets and other unhealthy foods, which may also contribute to weight gain.

Appetite During Winter:

Melatonin, the hormone that regulates our sleep-wake cycle and increases appetite, is up to 80% higher in the winter, according to studies. Sleep disruptions can increase appetite, leading to increased consumption of calorie-dense meals and an increased risk of weight gain.

You are Already Overweight:

If you are currently overweight or have weight problems, you may be more likely than slimmer people to gain weight over the holidays. According to one study, whereas the average individual gains one pound over the holidays, overweight people gain five pounds.

Winter weight gain, on the other hand, can accumulate over time and result in significant weight gain. While gaining a few pounds will not harm your health and is not a cause for concern, gaining a few pounds on a yearly basis can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. As a result, maintaining a healthy or moderate body weight throughout the year is critical.

Finally, maintain a healthy eating pattern year-round by eating mostly whole, nutrient-dense foods, limiting added sugar, and exercising.

  1. A prospective study of holiday weight gain - (
  2. Seasonal Affective Disorder: An Overview of Assessment and Treatment Approaches - (










