Hidden dangers of energy drinks for adolescents are revealed in this study. Learn about the adverse health effects and risks associated with preexisting conditions.
- Energy drinks can have detrimental impacts on cardiovascular, neuropsychiatric, and organ systems
- Consumption of energy drinks can pose higher risks for individuals with preexisting medical conditions
- Minors need to be informed about the potential hazards of energy drink consumption to make informed choices for their health
The Cardiovascular Impact of Energy Drinks
Energy drinks, marketed as physical and mental enhancers, contain stimulants such as guarana and caffeine and are known to have cardiovascular side effects, including cardiac arrhythmia and arterial hypertension. Despite these known dangers, the consumption of energy drinks remains high, especially among adolescents. Among the underage consumers of energy drinks, the chronic high consumption of energy drinks is higher among children than adolescents (16% versus 12%), while the high acute consumption of energy drinks is around 12% in both (1✔ ✔Trusted SourceEnergy Drinks and Adverse Health Events in Children and Adolescents: A Literature Review
Go to source) . Furthermore, when consumed in combination with illicit stimulants or by individuals with chronic medical conditions, energy drinks can frequently cause adverse cardiovascular events such as myocardial ischemia and cardiac arrhythmias. Studies have shown that in adults, the acute consumption of energy drinks can lead to increased arterial blood pressure, while in juveniles, it causes arterial stiffness and increased blood pressure while lowering the efficiency of the left ventricle.
Neuropsychiatric Effects and Impact of Energy Drinks on Other Organ Systems
Various studies have also reported the hepatic, neuropsychological, and renal impacts of acute energy drink consumption. In the present study, the researchers reviewed case reports in English that comprised a study population below the age of 18 years with confirmed consumption of energy drinks. The results reported associations between excessive energy drink consumption and various adverse effects on health in minors. A total of 18 cases were included in the review, and a majority of the health events were related to the neuropsychiatric or cardiovascular systems. Furthermore, 61% of these cases were associated with preexisting health conditions or the existence of other potential triggers.

The high caffeine content of energy drinks is believed to be associated with adverse cardiovascular effects since caffeine is linked to increased left-ventricular inotropy and vasoconstriction, leading to high blood pressure. In addition, high consumption of energy drinks was also thought to increase arterial stiffness and the occurrence of supraventricular extrasystoles and cause higher diastolic and systolic blood pressure. While the neuropsychiatric impacts of energy drinks remain largely understudied, the chronic consumption of caffeinated energy drinks is thought to be linked to panic attacks, psychotic episodes, hyperexcitability, and overexcitation of the brain cortex leading to headaches. Furthermore, a recent study on the consumption of energy drinks by adults reported that four cases experienced new-onset seizures after consuming energy drinks containing the amino acid taurine and caffeine, and the seizures resolved once the consumption
- Energy Drinks and Adverse Health Events in Children and Adolescents: A Literature Review - (https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/15/11/2537)