Fertility problems haunt women more than men despite the fact that half of the problems are due to the male, with low sperm count as the main cause.

This year, approximately 7 million couples will experience conception issues and about 50 percent of these infertility problems will be directly attributed to the male, according to John C. Herr, Ph.D., director of the University of Virginia's Center for Research in Contraceptive and Reproductive Health.
Most male infertility problems are mainly due to low sperm count, he added.
Yet women are typically the ones to take action when conception is slow to happen, often undergoing a battery of sometimes invasive and typically costly testing.
While - analyzing the male's sperm count is considered a key first step by infertility specialists - less than one-fifth of men (17 percent) ever get tested for their sperm count, according to the SpermCheck survey.
And just 23 percent of the women surveyed who are currently pregnant or who have conceived a child said their partner did everything he could to get himself as healthy as possible before they started trying to conceive.
"Now, with SpermCheck Fertility, a new and easy, 10-minute, over-the-counter, FDA-approved, at-home sperm count screening test that men can take in the privacy of their home, they can find out if their sperm count is normal or low - and have an accurate answer, right then," she noted.
A much higher number, more than two thirds of women surveyed say they would like to know their partner's sperm count is normal when they start trying to get pregnant.