With the emergence of cyber-bullying as one of the major threats online, school-going children were found to be extremely vulnerable to account hacking or receiving inappropriate messages

‘Over 35 percent children have experienced their account being hacked while 15.74 percent shared that they have received inappropriate messages.’

The findings showed that over 35 percent children have experienced their account being hacked while 15.74 percent shared that they have received inappropriate messages. 

When bullied online 15 per cent complained, whereas 10.41 per cent faced humiliation through picture/video that were uploaded on internet.
While majority of the children were willing to approach their parents in case they experience any cyber harm, over 76 percent children were not aware of Child Helpline 1098.
"While the survey highlighted the vulnerabilities and cyber threats, it presented with insights that can help create focused awareness campaigns around safe internet practices," Sharad Mehrotra, Chief Executive Officer, Telenor India Communications, said in a statement.
In addition, social media giant Facebook emerged as the most favourite platform for school-going children, followed by WhatsApp, Twitter and Instagram.