January is the month people are inclined to tell more lies than at any other time of the year, reveals a new survey.

Fanciful boasting about their festive drink intake also makes into the list, the Daily Express reported.
This month also sees many of us using the winter mornings as a dubious excuse to feign illness and take a day off work and almost half of us also make up excuses to avoid socialising, according to the poll conducted to mark the release of season three of the television series 'Lie To Me' on DVD.
It is estimated that we tell seven lies a day in January, compared with an average of four per day the rest of the year.
But nearly half of the 2,000 adults polled said they were regularly caught out lying in January.
Money is one of the top things people lie about, with many concealing Christmas spending and how much they racked up on credit and debit cards.
Other reasons given for lying include protecting someone's feelings or not wanting to let people down.