Scottish women are at an increased risk of iodine deficiency which can risk the mental development of their future generations.
Scottish women are at an increased risk of iodine deficiency which can risk the mental
development of their future generations. Researchers have found that more than
rd school girls are deficient in iodine while 50-60% young women
are iodine deficient. For this purpose 700 school girls were studied and it was
found that the average amount of iodine was 80 mcg per
liter while iodine below 100 mcg is described as deficient by the World Health
Organization (WHO).
Iodine is crucial for the brain development
of the fetus in the womb and it is the world's leading cause of treatable mental
impairment. Even a small amount of deficiency can have severe effects on a
child's mental development. 1-cup of milk provides more than half of the daily
iodine requirement and schoolgirls with the lowest iodine levels were the ones
with the lowest milk intake.
Scientists have suggested compulsion
of fortification of common salt with iodine. They have also recommended that
pregnant women should take an iodine supplement.