Chronic Hepatitis C is more than just a problem for the patient. It has a ripple effect that impacts society at large and the cost of these drugs are high.

"Chronic hepatitis C is more than just a problem for the patient -- it has a ripple effect that impacts society at large. While previous reports have found the cost of these drugs as certainly significant, the long term benefits of curing patients with hepatitis C makes this a worthwhile investment," said lead researcher Zobair Younossi, chairman of the department of medicine at Inova Fairfax Medical Campus, US.
"We were interested in looking at the impact of new treatments on patients’ ability to work, and in a broader sense, how this affects employers and overall economies," Younossi noted.
Researchers used data collected from more than 1,900 chronic hepatitis C patients treated with LDV/SOF, which has a cure rate of between 94 and 99% with minimal side effects.
The retrospective study tabulated reported absenteeism, as well as what researchers called "presenteeism," a measure of how productive an individual actually is while at work.
The researchers then built an economic model to estimate work productivity gains associated with curing genotype-1 chronic hepatitis C patients using LDV/SOF.
"We must begin to look at chronic diseases, such as hepatitis C, from every angle, which should inspire progress in developing more tolerable and effective cures," Younossi concluded.