India as eliminated Leprosy but still we have to eradicate the disease from our country which would be possible by increasing the awareness regarding the transmission of the bacteria and the treatment regimen to be followed for treating the disease.
Indian Health Minister Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss during the Leprosy day as asked for increasing the awareness to completely eradicate the disease which as about a 1 Lakh of patients in India but the incidence of Leprosy is considerably getting reduced due to help in eradication programs from different Non-Government Organization, Schools, Public and Private Health services, Government organization and International aid and drugs.World Health Organization is playing a great role in eradication of Leprosy through its free worldwide distribution of Multi-drug Treatment drugs, which is supplied as blister drug packets to India. Though India was not able to eliminate Leprosy by the stipulated time frame set by WHO, it is working hard to eliminate Leprosy. The incidence of Leprosy is highest in the most advanced districts New Delhi and Central Delhi in Delhi and the incidence of Leprosy is highest in the states of Bihar, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. The Health ministry is planning a focused eradication program to completely eradicate Leprosy from the endemic districts of India.