It has emerged that the ongoing World Cup in South Africa is seeing bars in Pretoria triple the price of a drink, especially when it's being paid for by a tourist.

White reacted to the findings of a Beeld investigation, which showed that foreign soccer fans at this local watering hole paid a lot more for their drinks - due to their accents and the fact that they didn't have a so-called "loyalty card".
If you ordered in Afrikaans, a double brandy and Coke cost R18, but if you ordered with a foreign accent, you paid R55 for the same drink at the same bar.
"If I can ensure the guy's security and he pays more for his beer, then I have done my job," quoted White as saying.
According to him, the money was also used to pay for paramedics, cleaners and entertainment.
White said "regular clients" could show their South African IDs and buy a loyalty card, which ensured they paid normal prices for drinks and gained free access to the square. The card costs R50.
"It is not at all common that foreigners have to pay more than local consumers. I am surprised to hear this," Marobe said.
"They have to watch out against discriminating against people. It is a short-sighted approach," he stated.