
In 21st Century, 'Menstruation' Still a Taboo

by Bidita Debnath on Jul 25 2014 10:19 PM

 In 21st Century, `Menstruation` Still a Taboo
Reports claim that about 75 percent of the women still shy away from buying sanitary pads and looks for alternatives such as getting them wrapped in newspapers or keeping them hidden in bags.
It is overwhelming to hear that 40 percent of women stay at home during 'that time of the month' and 65 percent don't wash their hair.

Living in the 21st century one should expect all primitive myths to be withered away by now, but that goes out of the window when one watches closely over the topic of menstruation.

Aditi Gupta, founder of, claimed that one of the major issues, which hinder the awareness of the women, is inadequate education and the taboos that are attached to this sensitive issue.

Myths claim that women are 'impure' at this time of month and hence are not allowed inside kitchens or any holy place. The tyrannical burden of myths has overpowered women so much that they are forced to stay inside the home all the time.

Dr. Suneela Garg, a leading doctor in women's health, said that the way to fight these myths is to open up about it and not hush away from people during the periods. It is shameful to see that the condition of women has not enhanced over the ages on women still shy away from any question about periods directed towards them, she added.

Tanvi Azmi, an esteemed bollywood actress, believes that awareness is the key and that every girl should be given proper education on this topic at the correct age.

It is very heartwarming to hear that Whisper has taken a pledge on itself that they would educate 15 million girls by 2017, which would be a major benchmark for the awareness among people of the country.

