It is being reported that the iDose, an audio file that gives the same stimulation as methamphetamine, cocaine, crack, is being used by digital drug peddlers to prey on teens.

"Safe, effective, and legal alternative to recreational and prescription drugs," is how one I-Doser website describes its wares, but drug abuse experts are not concerned so much with the content of the downloads as the drug culture they promote to young and susceptible minds.
"We are seeing drug culture seep more and more into the youth market, where people can make a quick buck," the Sydney Morning Herald quoted Paul Dillon, founder of Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia, as saying.
"That is a very sad part of this that they are targeting the group most vulnerable - the young who see this as being a cool thing to do," he said.
The iDose website also gives subscribers the chance to become dose "dealers" to on-sell their own downloads to their circle of friends.
"The earlier you find yourself in that culture the more problems you are likely to have in the future," Dillon added.