Two people suspected with Nipah virus infection were admitted to hospitals in Hyderabad, Telangana, one of them had visited Kerala recently. The State’s health ministry have advised people to avoid traveling to Kerala, according to official sources.// The Health Department officials are conducting a campaign to caution people against visiting Kerala, at least till the dreaded Nipah virus comes under control.
‘Two suspected Nipah cases have been admitted in hospitals In Hyderabad. The State advises people to avoid traveling to Kerala.’
K. Shankar, director, Institute of Preventive Medicine (IPM) said on Friday that people should postpone their plans to visit Kerala in view of the situation here. He said people should avoid visiting affected areas. Officials of Medical and Health Department also said that they were advising people not to visit Kerala at least till the situation comes under control.
The authorities are conducting campaigns in residential colonies to create awareness among people about Nipah virus and also to advise them against visiting Kerala.
They were also screening people at airport, railway and bus stations for suspected symptoms of the dreaded virus.
Telangana Director of Medical Education K. Ramesh Reddy said samples of two persons were sent to National Institute of Virology (NIV), Pune. One of them returned from Kerala with suspected symptoms and he has been isolated at IPM.
The official said the test reports were expected in a day or two. He said there was no need for panic as the state had not recorded any confirmed case of Nipah virus.