Hungry men find bigger women more attractive especially those with fuller breasts, reveals a new study.
Hungry men find bigger women more attractive especially those with fuller breasts, reveals a new study. According to the Telegraph, however their opinion might chance once they have satisfied their hunger.
Dr Viren Swami, of Westminster University said that hunger can change a person's perception of who is attractive, so a man prefers slightly larger breast size in women and as for women they also prefer a slightly heavier man.
The results suggest that when resources are scarce people are attracted to larger members of the opposite sex, as bigger bodies indicate success in accessing food.
However, Professor Gareth Leng, of the University of Edinburgh said that the science behind it is that hunger and libido are controlled by the same part of the brain.
The research also established that deemed sexist are more attracted to thinner women but most significant factor in appealing to the opposite sex is kindness.