Researchers have discovered how immune cells triggered by Strep A infections enter brain, causing inflammation that lead to autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders.

‘Immune cells triggered by recurrent Strep A infections reach the brain by traveling along odor-sensing neurons that emerge from the nasal cavity, and not by breaching the blood-brain barrier directly. This could lead to improved methods for diagnosing, monitoring, and treating these disorders.’

The study, led by researchers at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) and the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, was published in the online edition of the Journal of Clinical Investigation. 

A co-leader of the study, Dritan Agalliu,Assistant Professor of Pathology and Cell Biology (in Neurology and Pharmacology) at CUMC, said, "The Strep A bacterial cell wall contains molecules similar to those found in human heart, kidney, or brain tissue. These 'mimetic' molecules are recognized by the immune system, which responds by producing protective antibodies. But because of this molecular mimicry, the antibodies react not only to the bacteria but also to the host tissues, producing autoantibodies that attack the body's own tissues."
Previously, scientists did not understand how these autoantibodies would gain access to the brain, because brain vessels form an extremely tight blood-brain barrier that prevents free movement of molecules, antibodies and immune cells from the blood into the brain.
A few years ago, researchers discovered that recurrent Strep A infections trigger the production of immune cells known as Th17 cells, a type of helper T cell, in the nasal cavity. But it was unclear how these Th17 cells lead to brain inflammation and symptoms such as those seen in children with PANDAS.
Studying the tissues of mice infected intranasally with Strep A, Drs. Agalliu and colleagues found that bacterial-specific Th17 cells move along the surface of olfactory, or odor-sensing, axons that extend from the nasal cavity through the cribriform plate, a sieve-like bone that separates the nasal cavity from the brain. From there, the cells reach the olfactory bulb in the brain, which processes information about odors.
The findings may lead to a more definitive diagnostic test for PANDAS, which is currently diagnosed based on clinical symptoms and the presence of Strep A infection or autoantibodies against brain proteins. Dr. Agalliu said, "We are also interested in exploring ways to treat the disorder by repairing the blood-brain barrier itself to prevent the entry of autoantibodies into the brain."