One might ask what's a good way to make physiology class more interesting - the answer is Batman - at least for one professor.

"Batman has such powerful resonance with readers because he is a (fictional) human with superpowers that seem within reach if we only work at it," he said.
Zehr uses Batman to discuss the various components of exercise and physical training and illustrate how the body's physiological systems respond.
He believes that connecting science to popular culture helped students understand the lessons better.
He first presented a formal analysis of the personal and physical discipline that would be required to transform an ordinary mortal into a superhero in his book, 'Becoming Batman: The Possibility of a Superhero'.
The science of Batman is hardly, "silly science," as some might suggest, because the physiology behind Batman is the physiology of us all.
Zehr has written a second book in this genre, 'Inventing Iron Man: The Possibility of a Human Machine', to be published later this year.