Earbuds have become the most sorted companions in our day to day life. But it is necessary to keep them clean as they play host for several harmful bacteria.

‘Never share or borrow headphones as they can carry harmful bacteria. Clean your earbuds often for better sound and hygiene.’

If there are higher amounts of bacteria on the earbuds, it can lead to ear infections and other problems. Using earphones often can also heat the device, making the environment much feasible for bacterial growth. 

Therefore, it is advisable to always clean your earbuds and refrain from sharing it with others. Here are some tips to clear your headphones,
- Disinfect earbuds once a week
- Clean waxy residues with a clean cloth
- Wipe earbuds with cotton ball dampened with alcohol
- Dust off headphones by using a toothbrush
- Always clean earphones after detaching it from the connected device