International Thalassemia Day is observed on May 8th to promote public awareness of thalassemia, a genetic blood disorder, and should be celebrated around the globe.
- World Thalassemia Day is celebrated on May 8th every year
- The global campaign strives to raise awareness of the struggles faced by thalassemia patients
- The 2022 theme for the day is “Be Aware. Share. Care: Working with the global community as one to improve thalassemia knowledge”
International Thalassaemia Day
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What is Thalassemia?
Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder, characterized by reduced or damaged hemoglobin production in the red blood cells (RBC), which ultimately leads to anemia. The hemoglobin (iron-rich protein) in the red blood cells is crucial for the supply of oxygen to all the body organs and tissues, required for optimal body functions (2✔ ✔Trusted SourceInternational Thalassaemia Day
Go to source). Some of the common symptoms of Thalassemia (ranging from mild to severe and life-threatening symptoms) are drowsiness and fatigue, pale or yellow skin tone, delayed growth, lowered immunity levels, iron overload, chest pain, and heart diseases. Thalassemia is classified into three basic types and they are as follows (3✔ ✔Trusted Source
What is Thalassemia?
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- Thalassemia major: Characterized by the appearance of symptoms — severe anemia, slowed growth, delayed puberty, and other health problems during the first two years of life
- Thalassemia intermedia: Characterized by moderate to severe anemia
- Thalassemia minima (or Thalassemia trait): Characterized by few or no symptoms
History of World Thalassemia Day
The “International Thalassemia Day” was first established by The Thalassemia International Federation (TIF) on the 8th of May 1994 in loving memory of George Englezos and all Thalassemia patients who are no longer with us (4✔ ✔Trusted SourceINTERNATIONAL THALASSAEMIA DAY | The Theme For 2022 Has Been Announced!
Go to source). George was a scientist and son of TIF president and founder, PanosEnglezos. George suffered fromβ-thalassaemia major.
Ever since then, the Thalassemia International Federation organizes several activities for World Thalassemia Day to spread the information and management strategies of thalassemia (5✔ ✔Trusted Source
World Thalassaemia Day 2022 - May 8 | History, Theme, Significance, Quotes
Go to source). The striving motive of the day is to draw the global attention of the public, health professionals, authorities, and industries to augment the actions on the management of the disease through patient-centered care (1✔ ✔Trusted Source
International Thalassaemia Day
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International Thalassemia Day: 2022 Theme
The 2022 theme for International Thalassemia Day (ITD) 2022 is “Be Aware. Share. Care: Working with the global community as one to improve thalassemia knowledge” (4✔ ✔Trusted SourceINTERNATIONAL THALASSAEMIA DAY | The Theme For 2022 Has Been Announced!
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The global theme celebrates the power of knowledge as an open call for promoting actions against thalassemia and support for the best patient care. The campaign invites everyone to contribute to the responsibility of fighting against thalassemia through proper and right public education (4✔ ✔Trusted Source
INTERNATIONAL THALASSAEMIA DAY | The Theme For 2022 Has Been Announced!
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Need for Global Campaign
With the global rise in incidences of thalassemia and the lack of efficient prevention programs, basic knowledge of the disease and its prevention strategies must be conveyed to the public on this global day (4✔ ✔Trusted SourceINTERNATIONAL THALASSAEMIA DAY | The Theme For 2022 Has Been Announced!
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The International Thalassaemia Day 2022 Theme Has Been Released!
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It is estimated that over 80% of patients suffering from thalassemia in the developing countries have a lack of disease-specific knowledge, which contributes to poor health and management of the disease (4✔ ✔Trusted Source
INTERNATIONAL THALASSAEMIA DAY | The Theme For 2022 Has Been Announced!
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The global campaign hence ensures that the entire patient community has equitable access to treatment resources for a better quality of life. Several organizations engage in hosting seminars, walkathons, fundraising events, posters, and expert talks on thalassemia to achieve a global fight against inherited blood disease (5✔ ✔Trusted Source
World Thalassaemia Day 2022 - May 8 | History, Theme, Significance, Quotes
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The public may also participate in the world-wide drive by sharing their knowledge and experiences on thalassemia through social media using the hashtags #BeAwareShareCare, #ITD2022, and #InternationalthalassemiaDay (4✔ ✔Trusted Source
INTERNATIONAL THALASSAEMIA DAY | The Theme For 2022 Has Been Announced!
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How to Manage Thalassemia?
Common measures for the management of Thalassemia are as follows (7✔ ✔Trusted SourceThalassemia: Complications and Treatment
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- One may easily diagnose Thalassemia through a simple blood test - Hb electrophoresis or Hb A2.
- Although preventing thalassemia is difficult, it is a completely treatable disorder.
- General management of thalassemia includes blood transfusions, chelation therapy, and in some cases, bone marrow transplant.
- Avoid high iron content foods as frequent blood transfusion is required.
- Maintain a healthy diet and routine exercise.
- Proper management of the disease may help the patients lead a long and productive life.
INTERNATIONAL THALASSAEMIA DAY | The Theme For 2022 Has Been Announced!
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“There are so many people out there suffering from thalassemia and they need our help. Let us step out and donate blood”( 5✔ ✔Trusted Source
World Thalassaemia Day 2022 - May 8 | History, Theme, Significance, Quotes
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References :
- International Thalassaemia Day - (
- International Thalassaemia Day - (
- What is Thalassemia? - (
- - (
- World Thalassaemia Day 2022 - May 8 | History, Theme, Significance, Quotes - (
- The International Thalassaemia Day 2022 Theme Has Been Released! - (
- Thalassemia: Complications and Treatment - (