World Suicide Prevention Day: ‘Working Together to Prevent Suicide’

World Suicide Prevention Day: ‘Working Together to Prevent Suicide’

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World Suicide Prevention Day is observed on 10th September every year to raise awareness around the globe that suicide can be prevented.


  • World Suicide Prevention Day is observed on the 10th of September every year
  • The theme for this year 2018 is ‘Working Together to Prevent Suicide.’ It is important that we all join together to prevent suicide
  • Preventing suicide requires the efforts of many groups including family, friends, co-workers, community members, educators, healthcare professionals, and governments
Every year, September 10th is observed as the World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) to raise awareness around the globe that suicide can be prevented. The theme this year is “Working Together to Prevent Suicide” that will be retained for WSPD in 2019 and 2020.
WSPD is organized by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) and co-sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The IASP is an organization that is dedicated to preventing suicidal behaviour, alleviating its effects, and providing a platform for mental health professionals, academics, crisis workers, volunteers and suicide survivors to work together for suicide prevention.

Global Suicide Rates On the Rise

Suicide ranks among the top 20 leading causes of death globally, every year. This holds true for people of all ages. There are over 800,000 deaths annually, which equates to one suicide every 40 seconds.

Suicidal behavior that includes completed suicide, suicidal ideation and attempted suicide impacts 108 million people per year by way of causing intense grief or otherwise affecting the partner, child, parent, friend or colleague of a suicide victim.

Suicidal prevention is challenging as suicidal behaviour is not restricted to a particular group but represents a heterogeneous group, with unique, complex and multifaceted causal influences preceding their final act.

Genetic, psychological, social and cultural and other risk factors come into play to make a person commit suicide. These factors can also be combined with traumatic episodes or the loss of someone to influence suicidal behaviour.

Ways to Take Part in World Suicide Prevention Day

Suicide is preventable, however, it remains a universal challenge. Everyone in the society can make a difference as a child, as a parent, as a friend, as a colleague or as a neighbour on a daily basis.

To align with this year’s theme of “Working Together to Prevent Suicide,” we can:
  • Raise awareness about the issue
  • Educate ourselves and others about the causes and warning signs of suicide
  • Show compassion and care to those in distress in our community
  • Question the stigma associated with suicidal behaviour and mental health problems
  • Share our own experiences
Also, the IASP is organizing the annual “IASP Cycle Around the Globe”, for participants to collectively cycle the globe! You can participate right from your home, in the gym, individually or in groups.

There is a “Light a Candle” event where participants can light a candle near a window at 8pm on WSPD to show their support for suicide prevention, or for remembering a loved one. You can go on social media and connect with IASP on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to share your support of WSPD 2018.

The best way to prevent suicide is to recognize the warning signs shown by suicidal individuals and help them participate in the programs conducted by the government or NGO to reduce depression caused mainly by isolation and loneliness. If you think that a friend or family member is suicidal, you can help them get rid of suicidal thoughts by showing care, getting a doctor or psychologist and save a life.

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  2. World Suicide Prevention Day - (










