Women's Eye Health and Safety Month

Women's Eye Health and Safety Month

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Women's Eye Health and Safety Month is observed in April. It is a well-known fact that women are more likely to suffer from vision problems and this month creates awareness about eye health.

  • In most families, it is the woman who manages the family’s health concerns
  • 2/3 of blindness and vision impairments occur in women
  • Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month hopes to create public awareness about vision deterioration and loss among women

Most women manage the health concerns of their family. However, 91% of women surveyed do not know enough about eye health and safety. 2/3 of blindness and vision impairments occur in women. April is marked as Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month to create public awareness about vision deterioration and loss among women.
Statistics related to vision deterioration and loss indicate that the incidence is higher in women than men. Some of the major vision impairments among women include:

  • Age-related macular degeneration
  • Glaucoma
  • Cataracts
  • Refractive errors
Some of the prominent reasons responsible for poor eye health among women:

  • Pregnancy – causes several changes in the body, including the eyes. Women often experience dry eyes, redness, puffiness, irritation and light sensitivity. Migraines are also quite common. During pregnancy, elevated blood glucose levels and high blood pressure often pose a risk of blurry eyesight and retinal detachment.
  • Birth control pills – are basically hormones. These pills increase the risk of blood clots and strokes. Blood clots can permanently damage the retina. Birth control pills also lead to dry eyes and irritation
  • Menopause – during menopause many women experience dry eyes, redness, itchiness and in some cases inflammation
  • Fertility drugs – many women who opt for infertility treatment often develop vision problems as a side effect of the drugs
  • Autoimmune diseases – women are more prone to autoimmune diseases like Sjögren’s  which can affect the tear glands
It is important for all women to know their risks and be prepared. Neglect can only lead to further complications and even total loss of sight. Any changes like sudden blurry eyes and dark floating spots must be immediately attended to. Follow a few simple steps to keep your eyes healthy:

  • Check your family medical history, if your mother or grandmother experienced damage or loss of vision
  • always use dark glasses when going out in the sun to avoid the glare and exposure
  • Pregnant women must get an eye check-up and report any unusual occurrences
  • If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, make sure you monitor your parameters regularly and keep it in check
  • If you work at a computer or use a smartphone do not forget to take regular breaks
  • Use only certified cosmetics and make sure no chemical gets into the eyes
  • Follow safety precautions when using contact lenses
  • An annual eye examination is a must as dilated eyes can give a correct picture
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol
  • Eat a healthy diet rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin E, beta-carotene, calcium and zinc
Vision is an important part of our lives and a little neglect and carelessness can cause irreversible damage. Make sure you regularly see your eye doctor for an annual examination and do not wait till symptoms appear. In many cases, symptoms appear too late when nothing much can be done. Make sure you catch eye issues early enough for treatment.

While women care for the entire family, it is equally important to take care of themselves and stay healthy. Damage to vision can be permanent and it is better to take preventive measures early on.


  1. Eye Health Awareness - (
  2. A Lifetime of Healthy Vision - (










