Rainy days can be the reason for your day to be all gloomy and sad.
- Rainy days can negatively impact your mood
- Exposure to light, even on cloudy days, can help elevate mood by boosting serotonin levels
- Turning on lights and going outside, even in inclement weather, can provide some UV ray exposure and regulate the body's circadian rhythm
It's not your Imagination if you feel Depressed Amid a Downpour
Bad weather can have a detrimental influence on your emotions. According to one study, approximately 9% of adults consider themselves "rain haters." On days with greater precipitation, this group feels angry and less happy. Another study discovered that rain boosted the quantity of negative Facebook posts (1✔ ✔Trusted SourceSocial Media Use and Monitoring for Adolescents With Depression and Implications for the COVID-19 Pandemic: Qualitative Study of Parent and Child Perspectives
Go to source).

What can you do if wet weather has a negative impact on your mood? Even if you're tempted to turn off the lights and snuggle into bed during a rainfall, Evans advises turning on the lights instead. "There has been research that shows that light can boost serotonin, which elevates mood," she explains.
Julia Samton, MD, a psychiatrist at Manhattan Neuropsychiatric Hospital who practices light therapy, takes that suggestion a step further. "I really encourage people to try to walk outside, even if it's cold and rainy," she says. "Even if it doesn't appear to be that light out, you'll still get some UV ray exposure, which can help regulate your body's circadian rhythm and boost your mood."
Engage in the Right Activities to Uplift your Gloomy Mood this Rainy Season
Are you huddled indoors because it's pouring cats and dogs? Evans recommends engaging in delightful things that make you feel good, such as watching a happy movie, playing a game, doing arts and crafts, or reading a book.When you're down, get up β literally. "I encourage people to exercise... that's a big one," Samton says. "It gives people energy, can [help] with self-esteem, and increases endorphins, which have a positive effect on mood." Work up a sweat by watching a fitness video on YouTube, doing sit-ups, or turning on some music and dancing.
Finally, Evans advises not to isolate yourself in rainy conditions. "When people are by themselves, it can feel like things are worse than they really are," she observes. Connect with others instead of hiding from the rain alone indoors, and your mood will be brighter β no matter how dark and dreary the weather is.
- Social Media Use and Monitoring for Adolescents With Depression and Implications for the COVID-19 Pandemic: Qualitative Study of Parent and Child Perspectives - (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7725496/)