- High blood sugar in pregnant women can reduce fertility rates
- High blood sugar in pregnant woman can cause birth defects
- Diabetes can put your pregnancy at //risk
How Does Diabetes Effect Pregnant Women?
“Diabetes, if not managed well, is bad news for women trying to conceive. It leads to hormonal disruption, resulting in delayed or failed implantation. It also increases chances of genito-urinary infection, menstrual disturbances, egg not releasing from the ovary during the menstrual cycle (anovulation), PCOS, auto-immune reaction to eggs, and premature ovarian failure. All this makes conceiving very difficult.” said by Dr. Vidya V Bhat, Medical Director, Radha Krishna Multispecialty Hospital, Bengaluru and leading leading Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Laparoscopic Surgeon, and IVF Specialist. Woman with high blood sugar levels around the time of conception are at a higher risk of abortion, congenital fetal defects, risk of delivering preterm, high blood pressure disorder (pre-eclampsia), build-up of acids in the blood (diabetic ketoacidosis), stillbirth, the baby in the womb growing much smaller (IUGR) or much larger (macroscopic) than expected, and increased risk of surgical intervention, as per the doctor.She stated that “Diabetes in mothers is a risk for the baby growing in the womb too. Uncontrolled blood sugar levels can cause malformations in the embryo, congenital cardiac defects, central nervous abnormalities, spinal and limb defects, and renal and skeletal deformities. After delivery, the baby may suffer from birth asphyxia and respiratory distress.”
In another study it was stated that pregnancy can cause rise in blood sugar that can lead to pregnancy complications and impaired fetal development (1✔ ✔Trusted Source
Pregnancy environment, and not preconception, leads to fetal growth restriction and congenital abnormalities associated with diabetes
Go to source).
“Diabetic women can take many precautions during pregnancy to minimize the risk to themselves and their developing baby,” said Dr. Vidya V Bhat: “They should continue insulin and medical nutrition therapy during pregnancy. They should monitor FBS and PPBS twice in a week and maintain normal blood glucose levels of FBS<95mg/dl and PPBS<140mg/dl. It is important to prevent elevation in glucose levels while providing adequate nutrients to the woman. This can be done by taking total calories through three meals and three snacks in a day. Diabetic women should also be counselled to avoid build-up of acid in blood due to starvation (ketoacidosis). They should also do regular aerobic exercises, as this increases insulin sensitivity.”
When are Pregnant Woman at Risk
Women with high blood sugar are at increased risk for both first trimester spontaneous abortions and major congenital malformations when they become pregnant as per research (2✔ ✔Trusted SourceSpontaneous abortions and major malformations in women with diabetes mellitus
Go to source).
Dr. Vidya Bhat said that “Pregnant diabetic women should be provided with good antenatal care, timely check-ups and regular fetal growth monitoring, as well as early detection and treatment of medical and obstetrical complications. Patient should also be counselled about daily fetal movement count. Planning of timing and mode of delivery is important and ensuring provision for good neonatal care.”
She added that Dr. Vidya Bhat: “Diabetic women can plan to get pregnant if their pre-conceptional HBA1C levels are normal (5-7%). They should also undergo urine microscopy and renal function tests, peripheral neuropathy evaluation and an eye exam. There is a 6-10% higher incidence of anomalies in infants of diabetic mothers due to diabetes-related abnormalities as well as chances of increased mortality of the baby immediately before or after birth.”
- Pregnancy environment, and not preconception, leads to fetal growth restriction and congenital abnormalities associated with diabetes - (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32703993/)
- Spontaneous abortions and major malformations in women with diabetes mellitus - (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10528364/)