Novel sensor system developed helps detect SARS-CoV2, the virus causing Covid-19 infections, within a second. This sensor system can also be used to detect other diseases by altering the type of antibodies attached to the gold surface.
- New low-cost, portable sensor system has been developed for Covid-19 testing
- It helps detect the virus in a second, which is much faster than currently available methods
- Also, by altering the type of antibodies attached to the gold surface, other diseases can also be identified

"Within the microfluidic channel, a few electrodes are exposed to fluid. One is coated with gold, and Covid-relevant antibodies are attached to the gold surface via a chemical method," said Minghan Xian, chemical engineering doctoral candidate at the University of Florida.
"This could alleviate slow Covid-19 testing turnaround time issues," Xian added. The sensor system method is published in the Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B.
During measurement, sensor strips are connected to a circuit board via a connector, and a short electrical test signal gets sent between the gold electrode bonded with Covid antibody and another auxiliary electrode. This signal is then returned to the circuit board for analysis.
"Our sensor system, a circuit board, uses a transistor to amplify the electrical signal, which then gets converted into a number on the screen," said Xian. "The magnitude of this number depends on the concentration of antigen, the viral protein, present within our test solution."
The versatility of this technology goes far beyond detecting Covid-19, the researchers said.