Healthy Activities to Avoid a Flu Infection

Healthy Activities to Avoid a Flu Infection

by Dr. Divya Lalitha on Nov 21 2022 4:45 PM
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  • Influenza (Flu) is a respiratory infection which is highly contagious
  • Follow healthy habits to prevent flu
  • Wash hands regularly and cover while you cough to avoid the transmission
The best approach to prevent seasonal flu is to be vaccinated every year, but other healthy behaviors, such as covering your cough and often washing your hands, can help reduce the transmission of germs and fight against respiratory infections like the flu. Flu antiviral medications are another option for both treating and preventing the flu.


Flu (Influenza)

The influenza virus infects the nose, throat, and lungs to cause influenza (flu), a contagious respiratory illness. Serious flu complications are more likely to affect some people, including those who are 65 years of age and older, children, and those with specific medical disorders. Types A and B are the two primary categories of influenza (flu) viruses. Every year, seasonal flu outbreaks are brought on by the influenza A and B viruses (also known as human influenza viruses).


Flu Season

Although seasonal influenza (flu) viruses can be found all year long, the ‘flu season’ is when these viruses most frequently circulate. The actual start and end dates of flu seasons might vary, although October is often when activity spikes. Flu activity often reaches its peak between December and February, though it can persist into May. The timing and duration of flu activity have become less predictable since the COVID-19 pandemic began (1 Trusted Source
Influenza (Flu)

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Who is at Higher Risk?

  • Compared to young, healthy adults, people 65 and older are more likely to experience major flu-related complications.
  • Adults with Chronic Health Conditions such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease, chronic kidney disease, etc.
  • The immune system, heart, and lungs undergo changes during pregnancy, increasing a person’s risk of potentially dangerous flu complications. Flu can be hazardous to a newborn who is still developing.
  • The risk of significant flu complications is higher in children under the age of five, especially those under two, and in children of any age who have certain chronic health disorders (2 Trusted Source
    Flu Symptoms, Causes, and Risk Factors

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Symptoms of Flu

Flu symptoms and indicators typically appear out of nowhere. People who have the flu frequently experience any or all of the following symptoms:
  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny or congested nose
  • Body or muscle aches
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue (tiredness)
  • Vomiting and diarrhea (3 Trusted Source
    Healthy Habits to Help Protect Against the Flu

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Flu Versus Common Cold and Covid-19

Flu, common cold and COVID-19 are respiratory infections that spread easily, but they are caused by different viruses. The common cold can be caused by a variety of viruses, including rhinoviruses, para-influenza, and seasonal coronaviruses, whereas the flu is only caused by influenza viruses. The virus that causes COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) should not be confused with seasonal coronaviruses. Because the symptoms of the flu and common cold are similar, it can be challenging to distinguish between them based solely on symptoms. Flu symptoms are frequently stronger than those of the ordinary cold and usually start more suddenly. Flu is typically more severe than a cold.

The coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) that infected COVID-19 was first discovered in 2019. In some people, COVID-19 can result in a more serious disease than the flu. People with COVID-19 infection may take longer than those with the flu to develop symptoms and may remain contagious for longer periods of time.

Because they share similar signs and symptoms, it is impossible to distinguish between the flu and COVID-19. To diagnose the disease and to formally confirm a diagnosis, specific testing is required (4 Trusted Source
Similarities and Differences between Flu and COVID-19​

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Prevent Flu from Affect you by Following these Simple Healthy Habits

1. Avoid close contact with sick people

Stay away from sick people’s tight proximity. When you are ill, keep your distance from other people to prevent spreading your illness to them.

2. Remain at home if you are ill

When you are sick, try to avoid going to work, school, or doing errands. You will help in preventing the spread of your condition to others.

3. Keep your mouth and nose covered

Wearing a mask out in the open can help stop the transmission of your germs to others as well as inhalation of other people’s coughing or sneezing particles. When coughing or sneezing without a mask, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue. It might shield those close to you from illness.

4. Wash your hands

Regular hand washing will aid in keeping you germ-free. Use an alcohol-based hand rub in the absence of soap and water.

5. Refrain from touching your lips, nose, or eyes

When someone touches something that is contaminated with germs and then contacts their eyes, nose, or mouth, the germs are frequently transferred.

6. Engage in more healthy behaviors

When someone is ill, especially, clean and disinfect regularly touched surfaces at home, work, or school. Get enough of rest, engage in physical activity, control your stress, hydrate well, and consume nutritious foods.

7. Consult your doctor

Consult your primary care physician about obtaining the flu shot and other preventative measures you can take (1 Trusted Source
Influenza (Flu)

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, 5 Trusted Source
7 good health habits to stop seasonal flu

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, 6 Trusted Source
Preventing the flu

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Treatment of Flu

Influenza antiviral medications may be a therapy option if you fall sick with the flu. Antiviral medications work efficiently when used at an early stage, such as one to two days following the onset of flu symptoms.

If you have a higher risk of developing serious flu complications and symptoms, consult your doctor right away. Antiviral medications for the flu can minimize symptoms and cut the duration of your illness by one or two days when therapy is initiated within one to two days of the onset of flu symptoms. They might also stop some flu-related side effects, like pneumonia (1 Trusted Source
Influenza (Flu)

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  1. Influenza (Flu) - (
  2. Flu Symptoms, Causes, and Risk Factors - (
  3. Healthy Habits to Help Protect Against the Flu - (
  4. Similarities and Differences between Flu and COVID-19​ - (
  5. 7 good health habits to stop seasonal flu - (
  6. Preventing the flu - (

