62.2% of the children in slums in Chennai are underweight, while Kolkata and Mumbai slums have 49% and 41% underweight children respectively.
A survey called 'Are Children Getting A Healthy Start', which was released by NGO Child Rights and You (CRY), revealed that half of the children residing in New Delhi slums are underweight. Only 31% of the children under the age of three in the capital received at least one vaccination, while 45% were stunted. The study also highlighted the issue of gender imbalance as 25% girls received at least one dose of vaccination compared to 39% boys. The study was conducted in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru and Kolkata. It highlighted that 62.2% of the children in slums in Chennai were underweight, while Kolkata and Mumbai slums have 49% and 41% underweight children respectively. In Bengaluru, 33% children were found to be underweight.
‘While half of the children residing in New Delhi slums are underweight, only 31% children under the age of three received at least one vaccination, and 45% were stunted. Early childhood is a crucial period when the foundation of cognitive, physical and socio-emotional development, language and personality are laid.’
CRY's regional director (north) Soha Moitra said, "Early childhood, spanning from birth to the age of six years, is the crucial period when the foundation of cognitive, physical and socio-emotional development, language and personality are laid." Soha also emphasized on the need for nutrition security like immunization and vitamins supplements for such children.