
Gut Bacteria Regulate Levels of “Happy Hormone”

by Kathy Jones on Jun 14 2012 10:23 PM

 Gut Bacteria Regulate Levels of “Happy Hormone”
A new study published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry reveals that the amount of bacteria present in the gut of a child regulates the brain levels of serotonin, also called as the “happy hormone”.
The study was conducted by researchers at Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre in University College Cork who looked into the effect of antibiotics injections which destroy the gut bacteria in children.

The researchers recommended that the children should be given probiotics along with the medication and warned that the antibiotic injections could have a profound effect on the brain function.

“We’re really excited by these findings. Although we always believed that the microbiota was essential for our general health, our results also highlight how important our tiny friends are for our mental well being”, lead researcher Gerard Clarke said.

