The first known batch of gold standard stem cells taken from human embryos have been created by scientists.

Previous embryonic stem cell (ESC) trials in humans have used lower-quality "research grade" cells, which are manipulated and reclassified into "clinical grade".
However, the new ESCs, described as the "Holy Grail for regenerative medicine", are of clinical quality from the moment they are donated by patients and do not require a costly and risky conversion.
They are also untainted by animal-derived products, which have been used by other researchers to stimulate growth.
Two lines of stem cells, which can be converted into virtually any type of tissue in the body, have been donated to the UK Stem Cell Bank (UKSCB) by researchers from King's College London.
"The key here is that these are clinical grade lines, they have been set up from the beginning as lines that do not contain animal products and have not got animal products coming into contact with them," the Telegraph quoted Peter Braude, a leading member of the team as saying.
"Cells that are ready for clinical use have really been the Holy Grail of everybody in terms of regenerative medicine.
The cells could be handed over to university scientists or private companies by the end of next year, though there would likely be a significant period of preparation by researchers before clinical trials actually began.
The study has been published in the Cytotherapy journal.