Causing high fever, diarrhea and lesions in the mouths of sheep and goats, PPR is highly infectious and kills 30-70 percent of the animals it infects.

PPR is related to measles and rinderpest which once threatened the livelihoods of cattle herders, especially those in Africa. Causing high fever, diarrhea and lesions in the mouths of sheep and goats, PPR is highly infectious and kills 30-70 percent of the animals it infects.
It is endemic across northern, central and west Africa and south Asia, and it has more recently taken hold in China and Turkey.
"This is an exercise in persuading the world community and funders that this work could and should be done," said Jeffrey Mariner, epidemiologist at Tufts University’s veterinary school in North Grafton, Massachusetts.
The UN puts the economic costs of PPR at between $1.5 billion and $2.1 billion per year, a burden borne by some of the world’s poorest people, who rely on sheep and goats for food and income.
"Sheep and goats are the cattle of the poor, and they are the bank for the poor," added Bernard Vallat, director-general of World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) in Paris which co-hosted the meeting.
The campaign will also attempt to systematically target areas where the virus is spreading, but veterinary services are weak in many of those regions.