
Genetic Factors Behind Overeating And Obesity Authenticated

by priya on Jan 13 2009 1:13 PM

A team of British scientists has uncovered further evidence to show that overeating could be genetic.

In a study, researchers examined 131 kids aged four and five who were offered a plate of biscuits right after eating a meal.

They found that kids who kept eating biscuits were more likely to have versions of a gene, which has been linked to eating when full, and being overweight.

"Previous research has shown the FTO gene is linked to larger body size," the Scotsman quoted Professor Jane Wardle, director of the charity Cancer Research UK's Health Behaviour Research Centre at University College London, as saying.

"We believe this [new] research tells us more about how some children are more responsive to signals in their bodies encouraging them to eat when full than others.

"Knowing how the genes work is the first step to minimising these negative effects.

"This study showed some children don't know when to stop, which could lead to the onset of obesity and a lifetime of health problems," Wardle added.

The new study failed to find any association between the FTO gene and children's willingness to take exercise.

