A new survey has found that teenagers in Britain now prefer using social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to pass time rather than watching television.

According to the survey, a third of the group spend more than three hours networking online at a time, in a range of locations, including hospital operating tables and court, The Telegraph.
The study found that the appeal of social media was also growing in older age groups, with nearly a third of those aged over 55, logging onto social media sites before switching on the TV.
"The social media revolution is not new, but for it to now take over from the nation's favourite pastime for the younger audience, truly indicates how quickly leisure habits are evolving in our digital age," the paper quoted Matt Bullas, managing director of Click Consult, as saying.
According to the paper, TV companies have been aware of this growing trend and are working on a number of options to try and engage younger people online in conjunction with TV programmes.