
Eye Mask That Wakes You Up Gently by Simulating Sunrise on the Anvil

by Kathy Jones on Jan 16 2011 5:47 PM

 Eye Mask That Wakes You Up Gently by Simulating Sunrise on the Anvil
It has emerged that an eye mask that will wake you up gently by simulating sunrise half an hour before the alarm beeps is on the anvil.
The new eye mask will surely ease the pain of early morning wake-up calls that leave you in a dark mood, reports the Daily Mail.

The special eye mask, LUMI sleep mask, is embedded with LED lights that begin to glow 30 minutes before the programmed time and slowly get brighter, helping the wearer to wake up naturally before the built-in alarm beeps.

It has the added benefit of blocking out light from street lamps or lectronic devices during the night, promoting a deeper sleep.

It may also help shift workers manipulate their sleep patterns and give ufferers of Seasonal Affective Disorder a morning boost.

"Our bodies are designed to sleep in darkness and wake with sunlight. Sunlight activates our metabolism so we wake easily. A traditional alarm will wake you midway through your sleep cycle but it doesn't do it softly like sunlight would, " said US designer Taylor Hide.

"LUMI is an effective way to finally sync your body's clock to the light and dark. It blocks out ambient light, helping you fall asleep quicker," he added.

"Then, in the morning, its soft light simulates a sunrise, gradually growing brighter, easing you into waking up. By slowly waking your mind and body, you gain a boost of energy and stimulate your body for the day ahead," said Hide.

Hide, 22, from Alabama, designed the mask after struggling with his own sleeping problems.

The gadget is expected to cost more than 50 pounds when it goes on sale.

