Experts say that hot steam in a closed room at the end of a harrowing day may be your idea of relaxation, but taking too much sauna may be lethal.

The issue came upfront when a man died in this year's World Sauna Championships in Finland.
The incident also sparked questions about what even moderate sauna use might do to our bodies.
"A sauna is like a glass of wine: It's probably safe if used in moderation and in an intelligent fashion," Discovery News quoted Thomas Allison, an exercise physiologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, as saying.
In Finland, the practice is a way of life that begins at birth, said Kalevi Ruuska, a native Finn who is president of the North American Sauna Society in Fishkill, N.Y.
"The sauna is almost like a holy thing in Finland. You don't mess with that," Ruuska said.
As the air grows more humid, sweat stops evaporating, eliminating its ability to cool Water in the air would have conducted heat, as well, making the air feel even hotter.
People also occasionally die in commercial saunas, especially when alcohol is involved, people are basking alone, or saunas are poorly made and unventilated, said Richard Livingston, a psychiatrist at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, who has studied the health effects of sweat lodges.
Avoid saunas if you are very old or young, pregnant, have a history of heat intolerance, or have any kind of condition that might affect your heart, including diabetes.
Livingston added, "Doing it to point where you can't do it anymore as an endurance test, just doesn't seem like all that great an idea to me."