The campaign targets truck drivers as they spend at least six nights out of their homes, which makes them more vulnerable to HIV/AIDS infection.

The campaign is a continuous fight to equip truck drivers with knowledge to negotiate their sexuality in a responsible manner. Truck drivers spend at least six nights out of their homes, which makes them more vulnerable to HIV/AIDS infection.
The campaign aims at sensitizing truck drivers and their partners on the need for the correct use of condoms in order to reduce the risk of new HIV infections.
Unveiling of a sensitization billboard on the Yaounde-Bertoua highway marked the beginning of the event. The billboard will help sensitize drivers on the need to protect themselves against HIIV/AIDS and to let them know the distance they have covered and what is left.
The initiative will also see the production and distribution of a CD with awareness sketches by top Cameroonian satirists such as Major Asse, Moustik, Le Karismatique and Edoudoua Non-glacé. The campaign is in line with the regional approach implemented by the Cameroon Association for Social Marketing (ACMS) with OCEAC member countries.