Nearly 40% of young kids use too much toothpaste, putting them at risk of dental fluorosis when they get older, finds a new study.

‘Too much fluoride use during the first eight years of life can lead to tooth streaking or spottiness (dental fluorosis).’
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Fluoride is a mineral found in water and soil. More than 70 years ago, scientists discovered that people whose drinking water naturally had more fluoride also had fewer cavities. That led to the addition of fluoride to tap water, toothpaste, mouthwash, and other products. Read More..

However, the study showed that when teeth are forming, too much fluoride can lead to tooth streaking or spottiness or dental fluorosis.
Also, the study found that although experts recommend no more than a pea-sized amount, about 40 percent of kids aged three to six used a brush that was full or half-full of toothpaste.
"Fluoride is a wonderful benefit, but it needs to be used carefully, "Daily Mail quoted Mary Hayes, a pediatric dentist in Chicago.
For the study, the researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention included parents of more than 5,000 kids ages three to 15.
Kids aged three to six should keep it to a pea-sized amount.
"You don’t want them eating it like food. We want the parent to be in charge of the toothbrush and the toothpaste," noted Hayes.