Molecular marker for the immediate precursors of hematopoietic (blood) stem cells (HSCs) in the growing embryo offers vital insights in creating these cells from engineered precursors discovered.

Nancy Speck, PhD, professor of Cell and Developmental Biology at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania led the team.
"The ultimate goal for stem-cell therapies is to take precursor stem cells and push them down a particular lineage to replace diseased or dead cells in human adults or children," said Speck.
Previous studies indicated that HSCs originated from a small population of cells lining blood vessels, called endothelial cells. But, it was unclear precisely which endothelial cells transitioned to blood stem cells during early development.
"Understanding the developmental origins of hematopoietic stem cells is important for learning how to produce them in the lab from embryonic or induced pluripotent stem cells," added Speck.
The team used a special marker to follow the development of HSCs.
The work was published this week in Cell Stem Cell.