People with depression might have lower energy levels and therefore find it more difficult to look after yourself day-to-day.

‘A common misconception is that just because the illness is psychological it does not manifest physically. Many people with anxiety experience physical symptoms like nausea, shaking, sweating and panic attacks.’

Below, with help from Licy Lyus the information manager at mental health charity Mind, are five lesser-known signs of the two most common mental health conditions (depression and anxiety) which if you are experiencing, you should not ignore. 

1. Removing yourself from social situation: If you suddenly notice you are cancelling on social occasions with your friends and family that you would normally be present at, listen to your mind.
2. Trouble concentrating: If your mind is preoccupied with a mental health problem it can sometimes be difficult to think or speak clearly. You may also find it more difficult remembering certain things or concentrating.
3. Trouble with sleep: Many people living with depression find it difficult to wake up in the morning and find themselves sleeping more than usual. This then often means they feel exhausted and that carrying out everyday activities seem more difficult than usual. People with anxiety often report that they struggle to get to sleep or wake up more in the night worrying about things. Or they may clench their jaw or grind their teeth during sleep.
4. Feeling removed or numb: "If you are experiencing a mental health problem like depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), it is possible to feel a sense of unreality and removed from your day-to-day life," explains Lyus. This can mean people find it difficult to connect to both their surroundings and other people. "For example, you might be sitting in a meeting at work and find it difficult to keep up with what people are saying, or feel as though you're not really there."