The medical fraternity demands the withdrawal of suspension of the doctor who was on duty at the General Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram last Tuesday.

‘Organizations of doctors said the post-mortem report revealed that the patient had died of massive intra-cranial bleeding. And no medical negligence had been committed by the doctor as this was a fatal condition.’

In a press release, organizations of doctors said the post-mortem report of the patient, a media person, revealed that he had died of massive intra-cranial bleeding. And no medical negligence had been committed by the doctor as this was a fatal condition.

Medicos in Health Service in Thiruvananthapuram will go on mass casual leave on October 30. A statement issued by the district unit of Kerala Government Medical Officers’ Association said casualty and other essential services will function normally, but doctors will not conduct OP clinics.
Many medical associations including Indian Medical Association, KGMOA, Kerala Govt Medical College Teachers’ Association, Kerala Govt Insurance Medical Officers’ Association, Medical Postgraduates’ Association, Medicos’ Association and House Surgeons’ Association issued statements to the government. All of them stated that there was no negligence on the part of the doctor.