
Diabetic Women Find Regular Physical Activity Tedious Than Non-Diabetic Women

by Reshma Anand on Oct 15 2015 4:40 PM

Regular Exercise prevents premature disability and mortality from Type 2 diabetes mellitus and is a critical part of disease management.

Diabetic Women Find Regular Physical Activity Tedious Than Non-Diabetic Women
Regular physical activity tends to be a burden for women with diabetes than non-diabetic women, which in turn threatens to make them more sedentary and cause their health to worsen, revealed a new study.
In other words, the findings suggest, common household activities like climbing stairs or carrying groceries would feel more difficult to people with Type 2 diabetes than to their counterparts who don't have diabetes.

"We know regular physical activity prevents premature disability and mortality from Type 2 diabetes mellitus and is a critical part of disease management. However, many people with the disease are generally sedentary for reasons that are not fully established,” said Amy Huebschmann, lead author from University of Colorado.

The study looked at 54 overweight women between 50 and 75 years of age who reported doing less than one hour of physical activity per week. Approximately half of them had Type 2 diabetes while the others did not. Women were studied because the effects of Type 2 diabetes on exercise and cardiovascular function are typically worse among females than males.

All of the women exercised on a stationary bicycle at a low to moderate intensity similar to the work needed to walk one mile in 25 minutes. During the exercise, women reported how difficult it felt while also having blood drawn to test for lactate levels.

The researchers found significantly higher lactate levels during low to moderate intensity exercise in people with Type 2 diabetes than their counterparts without the disease. They also tended to score higher on the Rating of Perceived Exertion that measures how difficult people rate the exercise.

"Exercise effort is an important barrier to physical activity because it is modifiable, and the perception of more intense effort during exercise has been associated with lower levels of usual physical activity," the study said.

The study was published in the Journal BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care.












