Deep Brain Stimulation, a neuro surgical procedure gives a better sense of life to severe Parkinson's disease patients.

‘Deep Brain Stimulation, a neuro surgical procedure gives a better sense of life to severe Parkinson's disease patients.’

"Till now there is no medical procedure that can actally cure Parkinson's disease completely. Using this procedure we only try to give a better life to the patients who cannot live a normal life due to the disorder," said Atul Prasad, director and senior consultant of neurology at BLK Super Specialty Hospital. 

Talking about the procedure Prasad said: "DBS in select brain regions has provided therapeutic benefits for otherwise-treatment-resistant movement and affective disorders. We give this treatment to only the ones who want to undergo and not to every patient suffering from Parkinson disease."
He said usually during the surgery the doctors make holes in the skull of the patient and then through it place the brain pacemaker.
Agreed Rakesh Tandon, a Delhi based neurologist. He said this surgery had positive results in several cases. However, it is important for the family and the patient to agree for the surgical procedure.
World Parkinson's Disease Day is on April 11.