
Cop Shoots at Florida Man Rushing Home During Daughter’s Asthma Attack

by Vishnuprasad on Nov 27 2014 7:25 PM

A Jacksonville sheriff has fired shots at an unarmed Florida man during a traffic incident, but will not be placed on leave.

Cop Shoots at Florida Man Rushing Home During Daughter’s Asthma Attack
A Jacksonville sheriff has fired shots at an unarmed Florida man during a traffic incident, but will not be placed on leave. Official J.C. Garcia shot at Brian Dennison as the latter was taking his daughter home in the midst of an asthma exacerbation.
The police report says that Garcia spotted Dennison in a car driving dangerously through a parking lot, then through a stop sign before nearly hitting another car.

Dennison also drove away from a bank machine when Garcia pulled up from behind, the report claimed.

The police person pursued Dennison’s vehicle and reached an apartment complex, where he opened fire believing Dennison had a gun.

However, the official was able to divert shots once he realized Dennison, 29, was unarmed.

Dennison then explained that he was rushing home to get his six-year-old daughter her medication, as she was experiencing intense pain from an asthma attack.

Dennison held his hands outside the window of the car to prove he was unarmed.

“My daughter was shaken by the incident. She just thought that they were going to shoot her, and she was afraid for her dad,” said Nacoya Ransom, wife of Mr. Dennison.

Dennison was eventually taken into custody on misdemeanor charges of knowingly driving without an authorized driving license. He is being held on nearly $2,000 bail at the Duval County Jail.

The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office did not mention the incident in its original police report, but a separate investigation was opened to address the shots fired.

JSO’s Cold Case Unit will handle the second incident report, yet that report offers little explanation as to why the official opened fire.

“On 11-24-14, a JSO Patrol Officer conducted a traffic stop on a suspicious vehicle at 3900 Toledo Rd. During the traffic stop the Officer fired his handgun one time. No one was injured. The Cold Case Unit will follow up the investigation, the report states.












