While the wet regions of the earth are getting wetter, the dry regions are getting even drier thanks to the warming climate, a new study says.

"Our findings match what has been predicted by models of a warming climate; as the world gets warmer wet regions will continue to get wetter and dry regions will continue to get drier," said lead researcher Nikolaos Skliris, Research Fellow at University of Southampton in Britain.
"Although we have found that this process is happening slower than first thought, if global warming exceeds three degrees Celsius, wet regions will likely get more than 10% wetter and dry regions more than 10% drier, which could have disastrous implications for river flows and agriculture," Skliris noted.
The study, published in the journal Scientific Reports, analyzed the saltiness of the world's oceans.
More rain and outflow from rivers in a region of an ocean means sea water gets diluted and therefore becomes less salty.
More evaporation in another region takes away fresh water and leaves salt behind making that region more saline.
The researchers found that the wet and dry region divide in the world is getting wider.