The trigger that sets off a chain of reactions brought together by a cancer-causing gene has been identified by a team of researchers led by an Indian-origin scientist.

Wnt pathways govern normal processes like embryonic development and the communication between cells in healthy people.
But for reasons unknown, certain types of Wnt proteins sometimes go awry, sending off cascades of signals that turn normal cells into cancerous ones.
Rakesh Kumar at The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences and his team found that MTA1 expression triggers cancer-causing signals from Wnt1 in human breast cancer cells and this Wnt1 signalling cascade leads to tumours.
Because inflammation may drive MTA1, and since inflammation is believed to drive certain forms of cancer, the study shows one reason why cancer progression has been correlated with other inflammation-inducers.
"We've raised the next level question," says Kumar, "and now we're going back into the lab to ask if this pathway plays a role in inflammation-related cancer," Kumar said.