Alcoholism refers to the excessive drinking of alcohol. Over- the-counter medications may help treat alcoholism in bipolar patients, reveals study.

The research study aimed to determine if over-the-counter medications can treat alcoholism in diagnosed bipolar patients.
The $2.5 million, five-year trial is currently in year two and funded by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) of the NIH. The study will gauge the effectiveness of citicoline and pregnenolone, over-the-counter medications used for improved brain function and mood control, as a treatment for alcohol abuse in people who also suffer from bipolar disorder. While research on the use of prescription medications for curbing alcohol abuse in people with bipolar disorder has had very limited success, smaller previous studies have shown these two OTC medications can be effective, leaving Salloum and Brown excited about their potential.
"This proof of concept study hopes to accomplish what we in the medical community have long hoped for -- a medication to reduce alcohol abuse," said Salloum. "In addition, because of their properties, the two drugs being studied could also improve patients’ moods and emotional balance."
The trial targets diagnosed bipolar disorder patients because more than 60 percent of this population suffers from some sort of alcohol-use disorder. These patients are also at higher risk for suicide and co-morbidities, such as illnesses and accidents, often attributed to either their diagnosis and/or alcohol use.
Over the course of the 12-week study in Miami and Dallas, participants will be assigned citicoline, pregnenolone or a placebo and take the medication twice daily. They will also need to attend a weekly appointment at the University of Miami Health System or UT Southwestern Medical Center for feedback.